
If that's the case... (Destiny)

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Thursday, September 15, 2016, 15:23 (2789 days ago) @ breitzen

which I actually agree with; if it's so insignificant, why include them? What's the design justification? Is it just to rip off a few people? That's nearly as bad, because it shows a lack of integrity in their business practice.

The idea with these types of items is not usually to get you in the mindset that you always need one, it's usually to get someone to spend the last of their premium currency. "I bought these emotes, but I have 100 silver left over, I think I'll just buy a booster."

And also, I'm absolutely not saying that I like these items being purchasable, and the best way to tell Bungie that is 1. Don't buy them. 2. Say so on forums/reddit/twitter/etc. However I don't think that this is some insidious plot by Bungie and/or Activision to slowly turn Destiny into a pay-to-win micro-transaction cash cow.

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