
This IGN article comforted me somewhat (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Thursday, September 15, 2016, 16:41 (2789 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

My high school basketball coach once asked our team a question during practice:

"If you run a play and it works, how many more times should you run the same play before you change things up?"

After a bunch of us yelled out arbitrary answers, he followed up:

"You run it until it doesn't work anymore. If you run the exact same play 100 times in a row and you score every time, why would you ever run another play? You run it until they stop you".

This lesson applies directly to the business world.

What play has Bungie run with their micro transactions so far? They keep "pushing the envelope" a tiny bit at a time. People complain, but not so much that it effects their player base. So they wait until we're all used to the current setup, then they push it a little further. It's worked every single time, so I see absolutely no reason for them to ever stop, unless they finally do hit that tipping point where players drop off.

You'd run that play over and over because you want to win right? But in games, I'd say 'winning' is making the best game in the universe, while making enough money off it to make another. So, you're not really gaining anything by creeping the line closer and closer to pay to win bullshit when it makes your game worse. Bungie built their reputation in the first place by making kick ass quality games.

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