
Yes, Bingle's decisions have been based on critics reactions (Destiny)

by Funkmon @, Saturday, December 02, 2017, 08:08 (2345 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

We see that Bungie has made Destiny 2 in direct response to the initial reviews of Destiny. The criticisms leveled at Bungie have been addressed completely, instead of keeping their initial ideas.

As time went on with Destiny, as people whined about crap, Bungie has done its best to pacify them. Nerf good guns? All guns are bad. Give me high impact auto rifles? There you have them, but they suck. More complicated raids? TTK, or raids as a form of torture. Gear as light level sucks? Exp determines level now, and btw it no longer matters, and so on. Hated random rolls? No random rolls.

This is what they do. I fully expect Destiny 3 to be another TTK, as it was best loved.

Now, this is not inherently bad, but I think they keep compromising their vision to cater to the whims of the whiners on the social medias. You can tell the whiners are just vocal minorities of certain sects of the gaming public because as soon as Bingle implements a change, like Exp determines level, another sect pops up. "Why do we even have 40 on our characters? Only light level matters! Put that next to our name" asking for the very thing Bungle has just eliminated.

They should just shit out a game, and, when they want, say fuck off to the community. Example:

Whine: gear shouldn't make our level

What they did: You're right, levels are now based on experience. Also levels don't matter. Here's a new thing that replaces levels based on gear.

What they should have done: fuck off this is how we want it.

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