Update (Destiny)

by CougRon, Auburn, WA, USA, Saturday, September 29, 2018, 01:12 (2056 days ago) @ DiscipleN2k

Those are part of a quest
its part of the exotic quest to get the wish-ender bow. There is a statue before the end of the dungeon that you turn in the relic you got all the way when you first get entry to the dreaming city. You will be given three coins to charge. To charge them you must re-enter the dungeon and find the orbs and present them to these statues in each section that are missing orbs. When all the statues in a section have orbs you charge a coin. Once you have charged all three coins you return to the statue that gave you the coins. Return the coins to get the bow. The bow has the unique ability to destroy egg crystals that have been scattered and hidden throughout the city—one of them is right in the landing zone for the city. Each egg destroyed gives gear apparently. People think their are 40 of them

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