
Don't force new characters to play first mission/cinematic (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Friday, October 24, 2014, 14:50 (3466 days ago) @ Schedonnardus

It's a pain to start a new character. I don't care that i've been dead a long time, i just want to play the game. I don't care that the children are frightened, or that you don't have time to explain that you don't have time to explain. I don't have time to listen. I just want to get to patrol and strikes and crucible. Yes those roadblocks are nice for a new player to baby them along, but when a start a second character, i want to get down to business.

I agree with you.

And that, right there, is probably the reason some people at Bungie decided to strip most of the heavy storytelling out of Destiny in favor of a tight, action-focused experience.

Story-heavy exposition and set pieces make for a more powerful first-time-through... but they get in the way when you need to replay these missions over and over.

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