Playstation LifeStyle interview with Luke... (Destiny)

by Mad_Stylus, Wednesday, July 01, 2015, 20:38 (3233 days ago) @ Korny

Ehhh. Its not like Mythoclast, where it was near impossible to beat them out before the nerf. You can still beat out a Thorn, or a Last Word, etc. Heck, I've seen it done with blues.

Handcannons are supposed to be highly rewarding... if you can pull them off reliably. The recoil, low fire rate and ammo clip means your supposed to be picking your shots carefully from a comfortable distance. If you take away that punch, your left with something that does as well as some of the low damage outliers while being less ergonomic to use.

At the least, I don't want to have to be constantly rotating my arsenal out as one weapon type goes down and another goes up. That and an RPG will always have an "ideal" item for any given function. Perfect balance never exists, and the closer systems try and get to it the more convoluted things get.

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