
Playstation LifeStyle interview with Luke... (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, July 01, 2015, 20:49 (3233 days ago) @ Mad_Stylus

At the least, I don't want to have to be constantly rotating my arsenal out as one weapon type goes down and another goes up. That and an RPG will always have an "ideal" item for any given function. Perfect balance never exists, and the closer systems try and get to it the more convoluted things get.

Ideally you should have options though. Try playing Trials. Thorn is the go to. It's an issue of Thorn being so incredibly precise at a huge range. Having a two shot kill I feel is fine, but that should only be reliably obtained within the mid range.

The exotic hand cannons just need a few very specific fixes, which will allow you to keep their power and reward skilled gunplay, yet not dominate in absolutely every situation. See my reply to Korny's +1 post.

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