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It's not all fun and games. It's mostly games.

bungie_mailsack.jpgIt's pretty well-known that you shouldn't drop by Bungie's offices unannounced (or even, usually, announced) - they aren't open to the public, and you'll just be wasting your time. Unless, of course, you're Nathan Fillion. Then you can drop by. This, and other interesting info, can be found in this week's Mail Sack - there are some great questions, some silly questions, and answers that span the gamut. There are also a pair of new desktops for your viewing pleasure. (Actually, only the thumbs are in the Sack - the desktops themselves are in the Wallpaper gallery.) Go read, and get pumped - E3 is coming in less than a month!

TAGS: mail, sack
Claude Errera | May 18, 2013 12:39 pm | link

A deep summary from PSM

Playstation Magazine UK has written up their first look at Destiny. According to urk, the info they're disseminating has all been public since February 17... but if you read it carefully, it might seem new. (I was at the mid-February press conference, and some of it seems new.) Worth a look, just for its overview properties! Thanks, Mr Daax.

Claude Errera | May 18, 2013 12:27 pm | link

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