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The Mail Sack Awaits

bungie_mailsack.jpgThe Mail Sack is now open for questions over on! Apparently tomorrow is Bungie's internal Bungie Day celebration, so perhaps some queries about the festivities are in order. If you have them, now's the time to ask any questions you might have about life on the other side of Jerome's desk!
TAGS: bungie, day, mail, sack
Beorn | Jul 15, 2013 06:02 pm | link

Video Games Live(stream)

heroics.pngJoystiq reports that this Saturday's Video Games Live concert will be live-streamed by Twitch! According to the schedule, Destiny should be making an appearance around 7:30 PM Pacific. (Thanks, EffortlessFury!)

Beorn | Jul 15, 2013 12:52 pm | link

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