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Harold Ryan's E3 chat with Destinypedia


It's hard to believe we're still getting content from E3, but T3CHNOCIDE over at Destinypedia has posted an interview he did with Bungie president Harold Ryan. You can listen to the audio (.ogg, 56.9KB) or look through the text transcript T3CHNOCIDE put together. It's a great read, despite the late arrival; Harold shares some really interesting thoughts here!

TAGS: e3, ryan
ncsuDuncan | Aug 5, 2013 07:44 pm | link

Liz Bergeron: Hive Destroyer, Ridiculously Good Cook

You're creeping through the dark, musty tunnels of the decrepit Cosmodrome wall when you come upon a pack of Fallen Vandals. Expertly tossing a grenade at their feet, you raise your rifle and unleash a harsh staccato of gunfire... but the creatures do not acknowledge your bluster. One of them walks headfirst into a wall. Enemy AI is a complex system with a lot of room for glitches, and Liz Bergeron's job as Lead Combatants Tester is to make sure you never see it borked. Read the latest Breaking In article to see how she puts Destiny's hostiles through their paces!

TAGS: Breaking, In
ncsuDuncan | Aug 5, 2013 06:59 pm | link

You're gonna need a bigger Mail Sack.


How many rows of teeth does a Cabal soldier have hidden behind that mask? Does the noble Megalodon still prowl the waters of Cape Town, or did he move on to the murky depths of Old Russia? Has the Last City ever been hit by a Fallen Shanknado?

You have questions, Bungie has a Mail Sack. This week's thread is open.

TAGS: mailsack
ncsuDuncan | Aug 5, 2013 06:23 pm | link

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