If you missed last week's teaser, I'll get you up to speed: dboTV is a Destiny news show that will air every Tuesday at 10:00 pm EDT (7:00 pm PDT) at twitch.tv/DestinyBungieOrg. The first episode premieres TONIGHT, so tune in if you want to catch up on a week's worth of Destiny news. (Or if you're already up-to-date, stop by anyways and join the live chat! The pre-show fun starts at around 9:45 / 6:45.) Now if you'll excuse me, I'll be in my trailer practicing my lines.
Guardian Radio episode 24 is live - the crew discuss the latest Bungie mail sack, Destinypedia's interview with Bungie President Harold Ryan as well as the idea of Trolls in Destiny. There's also some interesting Star Wars trivia to check out! Thanks, Roland.
Monday's headlines: