We've already featured his work on our frontpage four times in the past twelve days, but now INVSMCHN gets his turn in the spotlight over at Bungie.net in this week's Community Focus. Go see what makes this translucent automaton tick! (Be sure to check out the full size version of the poster above.)
Creative Screenwriting has posted an interview they did with Bungie writer Joseph Staten during E3. It's pretty short and covers much of the same ground as previously posted E3 chats, but Joe has a way with words that makes every conversation sound fresh and exciting. (Thanks, marmot 1333.)
We all know Destiny is going to have a plethora of weapons in a wide range of shapes and sizes, but it's easy to forget that each firearm needs a carefully crafted reload animation (or at least a cooldown sequence). David Helsby is a member of the Bungie team responsible for creating first-person animation for Destiny, and he sat down with DeeJ to discuss his unconventional work history (and how that lead to him Breaking In), his Unicorn-enabled commute, and the intricacies of a melee animation. Give it a read!
In the unlikely event that you weren't able to join us for our first episode of dboTV you can watch archived versions on YouTube and Twitch.tv.
Tuesday's headlines: