Wednesday, January 28, 2015 
Bungie Bounty: DBO Edition (Live Stream)
The Bungie Bounty: DBO Edition has happened! Here's the Twitch stream from the event:
Beorn | Jan 28, 2015 06:01 pm |
Destiny by Desiree: Excerpt from the Ecstacy
LadyDesiree dropped by our forums to share her performance of the aforementioned track that plays while you idle in orbit. She arranged it herself and it's quite lovely!
And even cooler, she shared the sheet music she made for it (Page 1, Page 2), for the musicians out there.
Leviathan | Jan 28, 2015 03:21 pm |
The Abyss in 3D

dummehh created a gorgeous detailed 3D map of The Abyss section of Crota's End. If you've been running through the dark, blasting Thrall, and wondering where your next lamp is, be sure to check this out!
(Thanks for the heads-up, Ragashingo!)
Beorn | Jan 28, 2015 09:43 am |
Eris Origins: Conclusion
Just a quick note to say that iconicbanana posted the final installment of his Eris Origins storyline today. Go check it out!
Beorn | Jan 28, 2015 09:11 am |
Tuesday's headlines: