Tuesday, January 27, 2015 
Beautiful Art from Bungie Craftsmen
Thanks to Hedgem0ny doing my work for me, we've got three different artists posting work from Destiny.

- Mark Van Haitsma has updated his ArtStation with a few different models that he worked on for The Dark Below, in addition to work for the core game.
- As well, Corinne Scrivens has poster her model of the Eris NPC in a few different views.
- And Isaiah Sherman posted a handful of screenshots of the skyboxes he worked on.

Leviathan | Jan 27, 2015 07:56 pm |
The Journey Continues for Eris
As we mentioned yesterday, iconicbanana's Eris Origins fanfiction is getting rave reviews in the DBO forums. It's already pushed ahead with part 3 and part 4. Go read something creative!
Leviathan | Jan 27, 2015 07:52 pm |
Let's Play Destiny Co-Op #41: Gather Their Faith
The Dark Scum-bucket of Darkness, or the 'Urn' as you may know it, continues to be filled with creepy things by Rampancy's crew in their latest episode:
Leviathan | Jan 27, 2015 07:50 pm |
Monday's headlines: