
Would you kindly give me your thoughts? (Off-Topic)

by Kermit @, Raleigh, NC, Monday, February 29, 2016, 17:08 (3034 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

The Taken King was the first time Destiny began to feel like a real Bungie game, storywise. They still have a ways to go, though. (Insert obligatory "Grimoire cards are as good as anything they've done" here.)

One of the biggest improvements to me has been the "questification" of activities--not that the implementation is perfect, but I like easily seeing what I need to do. I'd also say that Bungie is best-in-class when it comes to making old areas seem new again, and they even open up new areas just when you think you've seen everything.

I still have quests to complete on my most advanced character, and I haven't played TTK as a Titan yet. I also haven't completed the new raid on hard, much less all the raid challenges. (I'm probably a "slow eater" compared to many here, so your mileage may vary.) All in all, I think the new raid is epic. The weapons are more fun in that they are easier to upgrade and try out, but there have slightly less variety than in year one. Because everything is less expensive to upgrade, I'm more inclined to shard a fully upgraded chest piece, for example, if I like the looks of it but I've gotten a new one with better perks.

You can read my thoughts about the Division in the thread that CyberKN linked to. Hopeful for the campaign. The comparison to Mass Effect is one of the more positive things I've heard. Of course the next Mass Effect will probably occupy me, and I'm not sure how much bandwidth I have for these long games.

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