Would you kindly give me your thoughts? (Off-Topic)

by Claude Errera @, Tuesday, March 01, 2016, 00:05 (3029 days ago) @ Cody Miller

I will definitely agree with you that they scaled back the loot drops in the TTK endgame, in comparison to the HoW endgame... but I don't think it's as bad as you're saying it is. (For perspective: I've gotten every single gun available in King's Fall, at least once - and usually more than once. I got my VERY FIRST Vex Mythoclast, and my VERY FIRST Vision of Confluence, last week - despite well over a year's worth of running VoG. I got my VERY FIRST (and only) Black Hammer about 3 months after I got a Black Spindle, despite many months of running Crota. So while getting EXACTLY the right gun might be harder now than it used to be... getting the GUN itself is actually easier.)

The difference is that those pre TTK weapons were already ready to go and easily maxed out for the endgame. There is no way you have all of the King's fall weapons at 315+. Getting it is only the FIRST step in TTK. You then have to get more to infuse it to a level you like. 310 is a comfortable minimum for all guns in the end game I think. This would all be fine if there were more options for infusion.

I can't tell you the levels of the guns I've used for infusion, but I can tell you that with one exception (the fusion rifle, which dropped at 317), I've had at least one, and in a couple of cases, multiple drops of every single raid weapon at the 320 level. I still have one copy of the pulse, one copy of the scout, and three copies of the HMG. I've used at least two 320 ARs and two 320 hand cannons for infusion. I've got two 320 snipers right now, so i must have had at least two raid snipers drop. (I can't think of what else I might have used to bring up my 1kys and my black spindle.) I've gone through at least 4 rocket launchers.

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