
Would you kindly give me your thoughts? (Off-Topic)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Monday, February 29, 2016, 22:36 (3029 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

In that time, I've been debating a change in my original diabolical plan post-Mega post, in part because in the past whenever I would say "Destiny 2", in my brain I was saying late 2016. A good estimation, but I shouldn't have based something off an estimation. So... that was dumb on my part. I find my self asking if the plunge is worth it. The price has gone down and I think I might be able to get it down even more. SO after all these months, DBO - How was the Taken King? ...and would anyone be willing or able to team up with me with the find a friend promo?

Destiny is actually really dumb. There's good to it, but it's really just a dumb stupid frustrating game. It really is. The longer I stay away, the more apparent it becomes.

My advice is to get TTK, and play the story missions, quests, and raid once. Do not attempt hard mode. Then put it down and wait until the fall or 2017, or whenever something comes out that excites you.

There is zero chance I will play Destiny in any way other than this going forward. There is a non zero chance I won't come back at all. Inertia is pretty powerful, and with all the excitement and opportunity in my life right now the last thing I want to do is play a game that abuses me.

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