
Did we watch the same movie? (Off-Topic)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, April 07, 2016, 16:38 (2991 days ago) @ Durandal

Every time the monsters are shown, they're doing something cool.

The last starwars movie suffers majorly because for most of the movie the characters act incompetent, except for Mary Sue Rei, who is awesome at everything. The good parts of the movie are all Harrision Ford doing something cool or interesting, the bad parts are pretty much everything else.

If they made a starwars movie where the main characters are doing cool stuff all the time, well that would be an awesome movie. It would be like the Clone Wars shorts, which still hold up even if the prequels didn't.

I don't agree with you there at all. Characters in Star Wars (or most movies) are not equivalent to monsters in a Godzilla movie. There should be more to them than just showing up and doing something awesome. My favorite part about the TFA is that we saw main characters succeed and fail. If we never see characters struggle or grow, then there is an inherent lack of depth. And that's just boring to me.


I also think you're going way to far by saying "most of the movie the characters act incompetent". Who, exactly, is incompetent? Poe is a fucking wizard of a Pilot. Fin successfully escapes the First Order, then successfully rescues Rey (who may or may not have eventually gotten out without him, but that's beside the point). Hux and the First Order blow up 6 Planets, which is a major victory by any measure. Chewbacca kicks serious ass. Ren achieves a huge personal victory by sacrificing his own father, not to mention successfully tracking Fin, Rey and BB8, capturing Rey, and then kicking the snot out of Fin and almost defeating Rey despite the giant gaping whole in his torso.

I really didn't see much incompetence from anyone, really.

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