
Did we watch the same movie? (Off-Topic)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, April 07, 2016, 18:15 (2991 days ago) @ Funkmon

Han is. He can barely run his own ship, and for a smuggler, he sure gets caught a lot.

I've made the argument before, whether here or somewhere else . . .

Han is a BAD smuggler, period. We've literally never seen him be good at it. When we first met him, he had just botched a job so badly (or it's just one of so many times he's done so) that he has bounty hunters after him because Jabba's tired of dealing with him. I'm not sure where anyone got the impression that Han Solo is a bad ass smuggler, because it's the exact opposite of the impression I always got from him in A New Hope. He's a great pilot, but a slightly dumb and incompetent smuggler.

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