
By the way... (Off-Topic)

by Leviathan ⌂, Hotel Zanzibar, Saturday, April 09, 2016, 02:03 (2989 days ago) @ Leviathan

... I actually just NOW watched the trailer, with low expectations I might add - you may remember my mixed feelings about Ep. VII, plus this discussion...

And that Star Destroyer was 100% perfect. I actually opened my eyes and sat forward, trying to figure out if it was an amazing model or what. It was surreal. Like 1977 come again in high-def.

I was scared of all the "real" and "gritty" words I had heard thrown around, but it looks more like A New Hope to me than anything in Ep. VII. And I liked the Grand Moff guy's cape and Forest Whittatker adds emotional weight to everything he's in... Cool!

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