Did we watch the same movie? (Off-Topic)

by marmot 1333 @, Thursday, April 07, 2016, 17:04 (2991 days ago) @ Funkmon

Some of those are interesting claims of incompetence--I don't know how to steal, launch, and fly a plane, but if I was in a situation where I suddenly needed to, I would feel it was more a result of ignorance, not incompetence. The word generally has a connotation regarding ability that is expected, not being good at anything that gets thrown at you.

It's also interesting to me that in this discussion the characters are being painted as either too good at everything, or bad at everything. Very binary.

Along with that, a movie that just showed people doing awesome things all the time sounds boring and narratively ineffectual. How would you know what they are doing is awesome without some contrast? Why would you care?

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