One thing Bungie does right (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Monday, April 18, 2016, 15:27 (3235 days ago) @ Cody Miller

They do not punish their players when they don't actually cheat.

The problem with enforcing a code of conduct is that it requires the player to read the developer's mind, as to what's a 'known issue or bug', which is entirely unreasonable. All players know is what the came code allows them to do.

Fouling is against the rules in Basketball right? But if you are down a point with 12 seconds left, you're going to intentionally foul their worst shooter, hope he misses his free throws, and then hope you gain the lead on your next possession. You can never fault someone for using the rules to their advantage. It doesn't matter what was intended, all that matters is what the rules actually are.

So, thanks Bungie. Seriously.

I'm completely confused as to why that particular fuckup doesn't get fixed properly. According to the story, a mode introduced LAST WEEK, which was supposed to drop rare loot at a rate of once per week, is being exploited to drop rare loot unlimited times. They've implemented a hotfix (and though there is another workaround, I'm assuming another hotfix is inbound)... but they're not sure how to handle the fact that the gear's already out there.

Um... instead of 'punishing' the players, why not just go through the gear, and remote all but one instance of the new, rare, loot? Assume anyone who has multiple pieces has done it successfully at least once, leave them the one piece - delete everything else. Why is this not an option?

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