Should the game be making players quit? (Destiny)

by Raflection, Friday, June 03, 2016, 16:50 (3188 days ago) @ Fire Opal

I agree the JIP system in Destiny is bad.

One of the worst games I joined was vs a 6 man fire team, I joined the game with 3 people on my team. I was in a fire team of 2 people, so we had joined 1 person on our team.

The score was already 300 - 2000
My friend and I stayed to fight as the person on our team left. 3 minutes later, 2 people joined. They left immediately. We then continued the entire game until 2 minutes before the end 1 person joined our team.

We lost of course but I was so bitter about this game that the very next game i quit out as our team was down 2 people.
Leaving the team I left 2 vs 5.

It's a vicious circle which really doesn't need to be.

I've also player in the opposite side of this, I was a 6 man fire team vs 4 players, we dominated them until 2 people left leaving us facing 2 people, people joined then left after being killed 3 times in a row in quick succession.

Perhaps if the match making system was better it would match fireteams vs fireteams not just the amount of players on each side.
You could then use the solo players to fill the gaps. 2 man, 3 man and 1 solo for example.

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