
Quitting is for losers (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Saturday, June 04, 2016, 20:21 (2933 days ago) @ Fire Opal

You can never win a game you quit. There's always a chance to win a game you play.

That being said, I refuse to play on Cathedral of Dusk. Out of protest to how poorly designed that map is, I will leave immediately after spawn if that's the map. I play Crucible to fight, not to walk for 30 seconds just to get sniped and then walk for another 30 seconds.

I'll also quit if I spawn into a game with cheaters or heavy laggers. I can't stand it. I'll usually bitch about the first cheater, but play through that round, but if the game doesn't split up the teams (or we leave and it reconnects us with the same room) you can be damn sure I'm quitting.

Destiny is fun when it all works, but the inability of Bungie to deliver a lag-free experience turns the whole thing into a frustrating mess.

I will say that I have not experienced too much lag lately - pretty much only during Trials over the last month or so, but of course that's when it's the most frustrating because you get a loss if you quit so you have to tough it out with laggy cheaters. When you're playing against a team of 2000+ ELO players, none of whom has above a .8 K/D ratio, and all of whom have been to the lighthouse 40+ times, it's pretty damn clear that they're only winning through shenanigans.

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