An actual case study (Destiny)

by EffortlessFury @, Monday, June 06, 2016, 22:41 (3185 days ago) @ narcogen

I should start finding excuses to repeat myself and link to old content too...

Yes, because Naughty Dog's new game and its success where Bungie failed or Rise of Iron has been mentioned before in the context of Bungie's story goals. NOT.

Are Destiny's narrative deficiencies going to require repetition each time another studio publishes a successful game with a good story?

Maybe just write a shell script to do it, I don't know.

Possibly. In 2013 it had never been done. Now it has and we can see the decisions and design that led to it. We have an actual case study which surpassed even what I thought was possible. I think to compare is valuable.

... in 2013 what had never been done? Nobody had made a game with a better story than Destiny?

No, I think Cody's referring to comparisons being made between Naughty Dog's latest game and non-gaming story works.

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