
Really happy with the sniper nerfs... (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Thursday, September 08, 2016, 15:03 (3126 days ago) @ bluerunner

Increased the starting strength for aim deflection (aka Flinch) when players take damage while scoped in from 30% starting to 50% starting

#Kornywasright, also #commonsense

With every subsequent hit, the strength of deflection increases until you hit 100% max deflection
Overall Sniper ADS aim deflection multiplier increased to 1.9x (was 1.85x)

#Kornywasrightagain #HighROFAutoRiflesShouldMakeItImpossibleToSnipeAtCloseRangeBungieComeOn

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