
Bad choice (Destiny)

by Cody Miller @, Music of the Spheres - Never Forgot, Wednesday, February 08, 2017, 18:37 (2891 days ago) @ squidnh3

It seems like it will also slow the pace of the game down, which I'm always against.

It's going to turn the game into a primary fest. What I loved about Destiny's PvP from the very beginning was that you had access to all these options: specials, heavy, and supers, that could really turn encounters or games around. Of course, everyone else had them too. What made Schooly D hate the game is precisely what made it fun an unique. The last thing Destiny should become is Halo 2 MLG with BR starts.

Further every change only worsens the positive feedback loop. Special and heavy ammo can turn the game around, so limits like this and others that have been imposed only make it easier to screw the other team. Advantages should be hard to get, yet grant a large benefit if you can pull them off. It seems to me now, it would be far easier to starve the other team of special ammo and screw them.

I feel as if over these two years the crucible has gotten progressively worse, and more boring.

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