
I've done sandbox FPS PvP balances before, AMA (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Thursday, February 09, 2017, 19:34 (2889 days ago) @ Durandal

Wins is a good metric. You also want to be wary of statistical artifacts. Back when I played WoT, the player balance in game suppressed the russian tank stats, so they constantly got buffs or had their most OP tanks left alone. The US tanks, with their 5% of the overall population, had major over representation in the stats and were always getting nerfs to their already tough play styles.

Skill gaps can complicate statistical analysis quite a bit.

A good example in Destiny would be a weapon like No Land Beyond. In the hands of a poor-to-average player, it is almost useless. But put it in the hands of a very skilled player, and it can dominate the match. So while it might not see widespread use the way Mida or TLW do, that doesn't mean it is underpowered or needs a buff.

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