
truth (Destiny)

by MacAddictXIV @, Seattle WA, Thursday, March 30, 2017, 17:53 (2923 days ago) @ CruelLEGACEY

It seems like a trailer that is getting me hyped for Destiny 2. I really not taking the trailer serious on lore, enemies or how characters are going to act. Frankly, it did it's job to get me engaged with Destiny 2.

In fact, even better, it got all y'all engaged even if it didn't like it. That right there is marketing folks, it doesn't matter if you like it or hate it, it's still getting you talking about it.

You're certainly not wrong about that :)

Personally, between the teaser and the trailer, I'm now less excited for Destiny 2 than I was a week ago. Ok... "less excited" maybe isn't the right way to put it. I'm still very much looking forward to seeing more of the game. But these trailers have created concerns that I didn't have before. I LOVE Nathan Fillion... but every time Cayde opened his mouth in that trailer, I cringed. If this is what the writing and tone is going to be like in Destiny 2, then I'll probably be even less invested in that side of the game than I am with Destiny 1. And if that is in fact how it plays out, then it's better to know that now so I can go into Des2ny with my expectations calibrated. Better to be disappointed now than on launch day.

I can just bet you that the writers for this and the writers for the story are completely different people. I bet the writers of destiny just checked the script to make sure it didn't horribly break cannon.

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