
Just listened... good discussion (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Monday, April 03, 2017, 12:46 (2919 days ago) @ cheapLEY

On a related note, Waypoint put up a podcast yesterday that's basically all about Destiny.

A few key takeaways for me:

- Patrick's assertion that Activision, not Bungie, is in charge of all of Destiny's marketing and thus should not be considered an accurate representation of the tone of the game is a good point to keep in mind (and something that has been brought up here in this discussion). Austin's counter is equally valid; that the reception to Fillion's role in TTK was so well received, that there's a chance Bungie could be leaning even harder on him for Des2ny, potentially throwing off the balance that was struck with TTK.

- Austin made a great point when he said he wants more "character" in the game, and character does not just mean "funny". His comments regarding the compelling nature of the grimoire and how absent it is from the actual game is a well known sentiment around here, but he articulates it very well.

- Patrick's point about the impenetrable barrier that is Destiny's loot system is an important one, I think. He's completely right when he says that the complicated and grindy nature of Destiny's progression causes all but the most hardcore players to bounce off of the game, and thus miss out on the best content.

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