
There will definitely be Guardian apartments in Destiny 2... (Destiny)

by Korny @, Dalton, Ga. US. Earth, Sol System, Thursday, March 30, 2017, 16:50 (2923 days ago) @ Cody Miller
edited by Korny, Thursday, March 30, 2017, 17:11

*Black screen*

"Eyes up, Guardian."

Your eyes open, you're lying down in your own bed, inside your Guardian apartment.

"Did you have a good sleep? Did you... dream? Anyway, a Frame just dropped off your outfit for today's ceremony. We can head out once you're ready, but Cayde says that we still have some time if you need it."

Trophies hang from your walls (depending on which Raid bosses you've killed in D1), and you get to look around the room. Your journals (record books) lie on a table next to the last helmet that you were wearing in D1, and you can go through and look at all of your accomplishments (the apartment's decorations depend on which things you've had checked off in the books).

If all of your books are completed, Ghost makes some comments about your experiences and your legend (custom emblem unlocks).

You can go to each of the trophies on the walls and get some insight into each of them with a Ghost scan, each one unlocking a custom emblem (including the Scarab Heart emblem if you scan a Lighthouse trophy).

"We should probably get things tidied up around here if you're going to have your Fireteam over after the ceremony. I'll get that one Frame to sweep up in here while we're out. She does still owe us for finding her broom."

Once you're done looking around and unlocking emblems, you get dressed in your ceremonial attire, and head out to start the game.

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