
DAY TWO - July 20th - HUNTERS (Destiny)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Thursday, July 27, 2017, 21:02 (2485 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

Let go your conscious self and act on instinct.

Spoilers: Golden gun is still awful. Ho!-LY!-SHIT! ARCSTRIDER!

So on this day I took the Hunter out for a spin. I also get savvier with my recording on the Xbox and use the "Start Recording" function instead of the "Grab X Min or Seconds" function. This in turn apparently allows me to record up to ten minutes at a time. Did not know this! I haven't really gone into detail with my thoughts on the guns yet, but real quick I have to say I really enjoy the SMG in my playthrough, and I think it shows. You can see I'm haveing fun. It's odd really as I was never a fan of the fast firing assault rifles. Something something inverse something! Also technically the Arcstrider super is called "Arc Staff", but I think you will know what I mean all the same. Anyway, let's get on with it.

1 - Mission Start! There if you want to see it... hurry up and get to the next one!!!!

2 - So here is where I get my first hit of that sweet sweet Arcstrider action. Where I - and I quote - scream in response:

"Ho!-LY!-SHIT! ARCSTRIDER! Ho!-LY!-SHIT! I'm a freek'n Electric Jedi!"

Ya'll. I'm in love. Watch this clip. Do it. Do it now. Watch a man fall in love. To me - this is everything a super should be. I'm no longer playing the game to shoot things, or what-have-you. I'm shooting things so I can get my light meter up so I can DO THAT AGAIN! Ah-LORDY! I DO de-clare, I think I'm coming down with a case of the vapors!-My!(/◕ヮ◕)/

Shit. It's... so GOOD! You can see I'm having fun. What else can you ask for? Bungie, babycakes - make it last! HAHAHA! Ok. ok. WoOOoooo. I'm pulling back now. I'm sorry if I scared you lot, yet... no I am not. Mmm. MMM mmm mmm. (≧∇≦)/


The Hunter in the beta, at least that I had was a female. So. This works.

3 - Sniper feels weak, again - it's in the rarest ammo slot so it needs to prove its worth. I learn one of the limits of Arcstrider -er- "Arc Staff " Also is it just me or is the room I fight in at the end of this clip super cinematic looking. Good job Bungie.

4 - This is the finisher to the last clip, concluding the cutscene where we meet Gary.

5 - My first time playing Nesses Strike as a Hunter. I also decide, what the hey - might as well give Gunslinger a shot. Heh heh. Shot. Can confirm that throwing knives are still fun - but, and I don't know why, not as satisfying. I don't know why. They even EXPLODE, which is something I've wanted them to do but never mentioned I think intill now. Maybe it's the sound? I don't know. It is still fun at least, especially with the dodge back and forth. Also the knife icon looks like an icaruss shoe to me, not a knife in flame. Finally notice this - I start out playing as my Hunter Character. Starting at this point you get to watch my game play style and choices change as things happen

6 - My first tests with golden gun. For fun - Guess what I think each time I use it. There are also a few instances in here where I dodge but still get hurt, which is slightly annoying but I can deal with it.

7 - How would do you like your Hunter? Neat? On the Rocks? With a Twist? Don't forget the Chaser!

8 - *Sigh* This Sucks! Bah. AGAIN!

9 - This clip starts a bit later from the same game the last clip ends on. I really wish the ammo would float closer to the platform. I'm a MAN with a PLAN! Does it work? Yes. As I had hoped? ... Well.

10 - This clip starts much later from the same game the last clip ends on. Also - the Vex fluid makes grenades useless. Shout out to BkLyN IKE for not quitting and seeing this sucker through. Bungie - we need more checkpoints on this Strike. This SUCKED! Even if it was two man team on the three man strike.


11 - I'm still playing PvP as if it was PvE. Is that why I find that dodging doesn't work?

12 - Ok. So. This clip. Yea. I really wanted to try Arcstrider in multiplayer, that was my number one goal. I also miss judged the total amount needed to win a game. There for. Well. This.

13 - I finally get to Arcstride in Multiplayer.


14 - Every wonder what the inside of those pods looked like?

15 - Crikey! Look at 'im go. What a beawty!


I actually have one more Video/Group of Videos to show (plus some random stuff that doesn't fit anywhere else). But first - since in essence this concludes may DAY TWO play which was focused on my least favorite OG Destiny Class - HUNTERS. Thus here are in full my thoughts on how HUNTERS are in the Destiny 2 Beta. This conclusion comes from ALL the experiences of the week, not just from what you see here from the first day. Since this is focused on HUNTERS I might as well put my thoughts on the class overall here too. Thus to the brass tacks. I should note, that even though I have kept away from others thoughts on the beta, in concern of my own thoughts to be mixed, I have inadvertently heard that there are some that feel the Hunters are less powerful then they... apparently... are in Destiny. I never felt this way, as long as I was an Arcstrider; which was most of the time (and surprising no one). If anything it's the WARLOCKS that have had their power decreased! Shoot - there's that pattern again. Weird.

I have no issue about the Hunter Jump.

I have no pressing issues about the Hunter Ability, in fact - its currently my favorite ability of the bunch. Even through I've had some cases where I used it and it seemed I got hurt anyway, it - for some reason, doesn't really bother me. I mean - it would be nice if I got a larger damage reduction or distance through. BACKFLIPS OFF THA WALLLLLLL! :P

Since most my time was on Arcstrider, I'm going to whisper some old gripes with golden gun which still exist, then move on to speak abit the only elemental build that matters currently to me as far as Hunters go.

As I mentioned inadvertently on the side with the thoughts on Warlocks, Golden Gun is Boring. It's boring in presentation. It's boring in implementation. It's boring to use. I don't feel super using it. It's a total joke. Yea it does damage, but BIG WUP. It's a SUPER. BE A SUPER. DUH!

How? If I don't get to change the super out right, then how 'bout put that Gold-bit-O-light into the gun you wield in that moment. There's a good chance that if you are using a gun of some type, it's because you enjoy that game play that gun provides. So to have a moment where you buff "WHATEVER". It doesn't just have to be damage. In fact that could be a perk - one super increases your rate of fire and auto reload, another adds increased health and "hidden hand" to your gun. Let the light guide you!... and so forth. Then? You mow for the time that gun type (or sword!) has. You literately super buff your weapon. It might not be all that flashy, but at least it would be more fun than the joke golden gun has been and still is. Alright - so now that I've pissed off the golden gun enthusiasts (I'm not worried), let's talk about Arcstrider. I love this super. I think I've made that fairly clear. My thoughts here is simply of me thinking up what would make this super even better. Basically - it's a wish list. Alright, so did any one read that pre-beta story I made? Don't worry if you didn't, I'm bringing one of the points to the here and now in this post.

Alright. So these are the supers of OG Destiny. Two distance ranges, plus a super that has the added bonus of helping the team. I'm also presuming in this case we use what I've been calling "the set of four" for the super set up is still sadly a thing. It's probably pretty obvious where I'm going with this, but here we go anyway. So the super "Arc Staff" is a short range super. Having a set of perks that help it with long range would be pretty dope so I could use it on Bosses without getting smashed into a paste, or... you know. They fly. Best part about this is we've already seen it. The exotic sword Bolt Caster has a distance ability would be perfect for a ranged Arcstrider. And Unitary function? YOU SHALL NOT PASS VIA Mass paralysis. You slam your staff in the ground creating zones that act like a bubble, sans the defensive, with Saint 14. Greatly Increased speed, for decreased range and damage output. That's the idea from the top of my head any way. The idea would be to give your team - or yourself - some breathing room if you are being overwhelmed and can't kill them all. Something that would be doable in ever the Arcstrider acrobatic fashion.

To which, I believe I have one more (or so) thing to show before this part is concluded.

I made it in Upload Studio. Enjoy!

Included in the group is also my first vers. of the montage, plus the clips I used.

This was quite the task to make. Upload Studio is not exactly a power editing tool, and there is no saving so it's not like I can make a play blast to check all the edits, which of course is what happened. Once you press that render button that is it. All said through - I think this came out really well considering. So much so, plus I really do miss being able to edit stuff, I made some other stuff. Oh - and yes. The explosion at the end is necessary. I find it really funny. Just FYI.

I leave you with some random clips and this post is up. On to the next one.

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