
My fireteam's blind raid progress (no spoilers) (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, September 27, 2017, 17:53 (2556 days ago) @ Kahzgul

My time included the chests :) Yeah, just clearing the bosses is very smooth.

You could reasonably get three chests in like 15 minutes. We were just a crew of people that had absolutely no idea how to get around down there. We spent way too long trying to find the drain chest and ended up all the way at the opposite end of where we needed to be.

Oof. We had Aqueduct, Transfer, and Conduit. All pretty easy, though conduit is a bit of a hike from the others.

I ended up looking at a map, but the map was confusing as all hell. It's really not that complicated, I don't think--I just haven't spent enough time down there.

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