
My fireteam's blind raid progress (no spoilers) (Destiny)

by Pyromancy @, discovering fire every week, Friday, September 29, 2017, 03:14 (2555 days ago) @ Kahzgul
edited by Pyromancy, Friday, September 29, 2017, 04:07

So running blind means you have to figure out how the mechanics work. It's not going to result in a perfect strategy, but it will result in a very strong understanding of the mechanics of each fight. And the fights here are all mechanics-based fights (rather than DPS races, which we've seen in some other D1 raids). So if you get the mechanics, you win, plain and simple. Probably a raid full of 250 light people who got the mechanics could clear the whole thing in 2 hours.

Compare someone who ran the raid blind and figured out how everything works to someone who only followed instructions they read online. "Stand here and shoot this" is not nearly as informed as "stand here because X is important, then shoot this because Y, and also there's Z going on over there but you shouldn't need to worry about that unless someone dies, etc."

My "unofficial official strategy guide" as you put it (thanks!) is really, *really* bare bones. It's a lot of "stand here and shoot this" instructions, and not a lot of "let me explain why X is important and how this mechanic really works." I've given you practical instructions without any of the context or theory, specifically because I was asked for really simple "do what when" type instructions. It's very possible, even *likely* that someone else does something different, and possible that the different thing they do is more effective. My strategy is just what my raid group came up with on our own. We think it's really good. But it might not be.

Thanks for the reply.
Again, I know what Blind means. I'm unsure sure why it needs to be re-defined. Did you know some things before going into the raid, but you just didn't know every single little gameplay/puzzle mechanic that was needed to clear an area to move onto the next?
I see what you guys are saying, its more of a mechanical raid than some so the mountain of necessary knowledge is somewhat smaller than others? I also now see that in a way you were going for thoughts and observations in a TL;DR version rather than an actual exhaustive guide.

After doing your raid runs did you end up cross referencing your newly gathered knowledge with any friends or information from the rest of the community at large?
Or will you now?
Did you record your play and watch it back to remember some of the detail things from the beginning to the end of the raid?

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