
Suggestion for running the _________ *Raid SP* (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, September 28, 2017, 07:39 (2453 days ago) @ Schedonnardus

Our group split into three teams of two.

One group was the two that had been running the entire time. The next pair were the next strongest runners, and the last pair are the weakest runners.

Group 1 leaves as soon as possible. They skip getting orbs on the first gate. Group 2 waits 2-3 seconds to give Group 1 a decent start. Group 2 takes a set of orbs (you can figure out which you want, there are still 4 orbs to get, and only two people trying to get them). Group 3 goes 2-3 seconds after that, and get whichever two orbs are left.

Groups 1 and 2 switch getting orbs. Group 1 skips the first gate, while Group 2 gets orbs, then it alternates until the finish. Group 3 always gets the two orbs that are left--the idea being that they're the weakest runners and just need to stay alive.

It's worked incredibly well for us for a few reasons. The main one is the weak runners staying alive. Our biggest problem initially was that someone would die too early in the gauntlet, and no one would have enough time to finish it and get out for a revive. So those two not having to worry about anything but grabbing their orbs and getting to the end really helps.

The other good thing is the staggered starts. It avoids all six people scrambling to figure out which orbs they're going to get at every gate. Instead you have two skipping completely, two getting orbs, and the last two getting the orbs that are left, and all at different times.

When the Prestige mode comes out, we may have to mix something up. I suspect that everyone will have to make it to the end and the timing may be tighter or something, but I still think this method will work for it.

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