
Method we used last time. (Destiny)

by Kahzgul, Thursday, September 28, 2017, 21:42 (2692 days ago) @ Xenos

I don't like this setup. The two runners are most likely to get through and will do so the most quickly. That means they are least likely to need every set of orbs. You've got to have your non-runners alive through at least 3 gates in order to have enough time for the race to finish, so you want to maximize orb availability for the slowbies.

Yeah it's definitely fine for the normal raid because you just need 3 people to make it and giving an orb to your worst runners every time means your making it more likely something can screw up for the good runners. Betting on the good runners for sure making it and that at least one of the other 4 will make it works out well for our group. If prestige requires you to get more people (or everyone) we'll most likely be switching to the slow runners getting them, but for the normal raid it works great.

Your group's worst runners aren't as bad as my group's, it would seem. Week 2 we wiped on the gauntlet three times in a row because one of our three titans died before getting to the second gate and there wasn't enough time for anyone else to even finish the gauntlet, let alone three anyones else. Ensuring they always had orbs available as they ran meant they were likely to live longer and the three successful runner would be able to finish before the 30 second light draining timer expired.

Anyway, because our titans are terrible at jumping (seriously, one of them routinely asks if he can just go to orbit and rejoin us rather than doing a minimal jumping puzzle), we needed a solution that kept them alive long enough for the rest of us to complete the gauntlet before the "someone died" timer expires. And my posted strategy was our solution. Each orb only resets your individual timer to 50 seconds, so if it takes someone 26 seconds to get through each quarter of the gauntlet, they absolutely must get an orb every time or else they're guaranteed to die. And yes, this is ridiculous, I 100% agree. But the people who can make it through a leg in less than 25 seconds can afford to skip an orb and get the next one. The people who can't make it that "quickly" absolutely need to get orbs every time (and have to rely on the faster runners leaving those orbs for them).

I hope that explains why we do what we do and why I advocate for this strategy.

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