

by General Vagueness @, The Vault of Sass, Saturday, August 31, 2013, 12:29 (3982 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Edge Online has an interview with Chris Barrett about creating a new world. Go give it a read!

I'd really like to know what kind of space age suit is going to let you withstand 900°F and 90 atmospheres of pressure!

As an aside, will we be able to jump really high on mars?

Our current best understanding is that the various planets of the Solar System were terraformed for us by The Traveler. So, no special suit required, and no ultra-long jumping on Mars… Unless our current best understanding is incomplete or wrong…

How do you terraform more mass onto a Planet? You should still be able to high jump on Mars, shouldn't you?

How do you alter the orbit of Jupiter, make Mercury livable enough that skyscrapers can be built in full view of the sun, or create some kind of shield that keeps a single city safe from multiple enemy races? If The Traveler did all those why is adding mass to a planet out of the question?

Just adding mass would work too and it might be easier than other ways, but then these planets and moons wouldn't really be the same-- some defining characteristics of Mars, for example, are its size and mass, and that mass determines what its atmosphere is like, and there are a bunch of things that lead on like that. Then again, you could say the same for Venus and its atmosphere, which would realistically have to be changed to make the planet livable (and definitely not its mass, incidentally, it has just over 90% as much mass as Earth).

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