
Does anyone have the -opposite- vault space problem? (Destiny)

by cheapLEY @, Thursday, December 21, 2017, 06:59 (2472 days ago) @ ManKitten

Fast spawn sparrows get me goofed. The feel is off. I'd rather take one of the lateral thrust ones. Whatever that perk is called.

....sparrows have perks now? I'm the worst at paying attention. I've just been looking speed..

Yeah, most of them are sort of lame and dumb though. One automatically reloads your weapons when you drive it. I literally don't remember any of the others, except the best one basically almost instant spawns, instead of taking five seconds.

Except, even that's dumb. Why not just make every Sparrow spawn quickly? What's the reason for making is slower, except to have an inconvenience that you can design a "perk" to fix that people can through RNG?

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