
Spinfoil Hat Time | Right, Wrong, and Fear (Destiny)

by INSANEdrive, ಥ_ಥ | f(ಠ‿↼)z | ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ| ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, Tuesday, April 24, 2018, 17:46 (2482 days ago) @ INSANEdrive

Alright. First things first. Let’s get the philosophy out of the way; I know that I know nothing. That said, speaking what I see with the eyes I’ve gained from both as a consumer and a guy who has rubbed elbows with those who make which we consume, what is happening RIGHT NOW is a build up – possibly – worthy of a political intrigue thriller. That’s some big picture stuff I see, which we will get to later, and that is where we can answer the small stuff.

Who, What, Where, Why

WHY did Bungie have a “Community Summit”? WHY did Bungie choose who they chose? WHERE is this data going to be applied? WHAT prompted this response? And ultimately… WHO is learning from all this? I can’t directly answer these, but I have a solid guess I think. In the immediate, the main thing I need to answer is… Why all this data matters regardless where it comes from? Why Dattos thoughts are just as valid as Codys or anyone else who plays Destiny # The Game.

Furthermore… How in the ‘ell am I going to explain this through the freek’n internet?

I apologize in advance if this is abit disjointed, as I’ve run out of string. (;P)

What is “fun”? What makes a game “good” or “bad”? What makes it satisfying to play or frustration inducing? What makes something “confusing” or “clear”? Oh so many abstracts and so little time. How many answers to those questions are there? Plus there is the considerations of who the audience is to be.

Games are hard. Have you seen the video by the GameDev of God of War? 5 YEARS of his life, all or nothing. That’s the problem with a number of these serialized games right now, it tends to add up to all or nothing. The weight of… expectation.

How could he have not “known” his game was good?!?!?! Right!? Why would that be I “wonder”?

So coming back to the topic at hand, at the core of it all games are made by game designer(s). As as an indie, you can do whatever the ‘ell you want. You can go “this is my/our game and if you don’t like it – whatever”. You get what you get. Yet these bigger games, these publisher funded games require a “higher standard”, so that more people play and there can be a return on investment. Thus what is often (your-results-may-very) done are tests and more tests. A far more scientific standard where all data is valid. It’s one thing to say “that will never work” but it’s another to test it. You can’t test it, if you can’t consider it. This isn’t about right or wrong, this is about solving a problem. That’s why you have GameDevs tearing up on the internet and that’s why Bungie did what they did this week. They need to see all ends or at least as much as they can muster. What transpired this week was a measured community brainstorm, in an environment where Bungle felt… safe to do so.

*Spinfoil Hat Intensifies*

Why would Bungie be scared?

Was this Datto just being hyperbolic or was Bungie really THAT candid? In my first viewing, I interpreted it as Bungie being that candid. E3 is about 7 weeks from now. Other then 1000 or so battle royal cash grabs, you know whats probably going to make a big showing? Anthem Anthem Anthem.

Anthem is slated to come out, as of this post, in Early 2019. It will make or break Bioware. This fall, by the sounds of things, Bungie needs a Metascore 85+ home run with their fall content... or else. This is their last chance to get as many players as they can basically unopposed.

So I have to wonder if this is ( and I presume it will be ) the Norm for this "generation" and if so how will Destiny stand out from it all? No doubt we will find out more in a few hours - to be continued this line of thought shall be.

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