You only need one 350 piece (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Wednesday, August 08, 2018, 09:30 (2090 days ago) @ Morpheus

Actually, I need them all. They’re at 350, which brings my light to 350.

Considering that everybody is trying to advance their armor as fast as they can, I’d be hard pressed to find someone still in green scorched.

Then ask for help. We were playing Crucible a couple of nights ago, and Xenos asked "is anyone willing to help me finish Spark?" I enjoy that level with more than one person; we whipped through it in the time it took the rest of the party to finish a Crucible game, and rejoined them.

I did all of the missions solo, on my Titan, first, and a few missions I'm willing to re-run alone (Payback, for example, is easiest with one person, at ANY difficulty level, because they only give you one tank anyway), but they're much faster with 2, and MUCH MUCH faster with 3. Homecoming, for example, is sub-4-mins with a full fireteam - at any difficulty. (Killing EVERYTHING.)

Or, I don't know, keep being snarky about how unreasonable it is that Bungie made levels that are actually a bit challenging to play on your own. (I found that refreshing, to be honest.)

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