Whoa whoa whoa. (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Wednesday, August 08, 2018, 13:29 (2090 days ago) @ Morpheus

Huh - you and I seem to have completely different understandings of what this event is about.

Ikora is all about learning from your enemies - that's why she's always offered you opportunities to replay story missions. She calls these "Meditations" - I guess I always assumed they were called that because you're supposed to think about them as you play, and learn from what you see.

The entire Solstice of Heroes event (from her perspective) is just a grander version of that; she starts you off with a 'Remember where you came from!" speech, then sends you off in beat-to-shit armor and tells you to take what you've learned and beat your enemies as badly as you did when they were as weak as you were. That seems like the PERFECT test of how effectively you improved your strategy, to me.

I didn't mean to condescend to your abilities in the slightest; I've played with you, I know you're considerably better than I am. I've now played every level in Solstice solo, at every difficulty level - all I was saying was that if *I* can do that, you sure as hell can.

Yes, I had to rethink my strats more than once. My first time through Spark, I used up most of my resources (heavy, grenades, super) on the second wave of Servitors, I was COMPLETELY unprepared for the 3rd wave. I had to rethink how I was approaching the fight, and what I could do to manage the overload in such a small arena. I was successful.

1AU was a LOT of work the first time through. Every time I thought I was at a point where I'd killed enough stuff and could sprint through the rest, Bungie showed me I was wrong; No sprinting allowed! Kill stuff, that's the rule. Okay. It was pretty damn hard, solo, that first time.

Then I played it 6 times in a single night, with a couple of different groups of people. I honed my strats, and I learned things from how others were playing it. I've gone back in again solo - and it's still non-trivial, but it's totally doable (at all 3 levels).

All I was saying was that if you're frustrated, it's because you're not adapting - these DON'T play the way the original missions played, they basically went through them and put up walls in every place we'd found loopholes. If I can solo 'em, though, you definitely can. But they're also fun to run with teammates, and they're much, much easier that way.

(The whole "I don't want to reduce my advantages and play that way" attitude is really throwing me. It's the point of the event - this is what you were dressed like when you started, but you're a better fighter than you were when you started, so prove it by taking off the things you CAN take off (armor) and just using the things you CAN'T (your skills), and fight the guys you fight normally (who are now stronger, relatively). I'm not understanding at all why that bothers you so much.)

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