
I just can’t do that. (Destiny)

by Malagate @, Sea of Tranquility, Tuesday, October 23, 2018, 10:16 (2067 days ago) @ cheapLEY

When I sit down to play a game, I intend to play a game. If I need to do errands, I’ll do that instead.

That said, the load times genuinely don’t bother me much. I constantly fiddle with equipment and shaders. I mostly use load times as a way to check out the gear I have acquired recently. I don’t pay much mind to drops while I’m actually playing unless it’s a new drop. So the loading times are a great time for gear inspection and comparisons.

The issue that I have with this is that I'm the kind of player who will ENTIRELY reconfigure their build and gear at least once a night, sometimes more. These long load times give me more time to fiddle, and I end up getting a wild hair to try something and I'm nowhere near finished getting dressed to fight and wait there's one perk on my pants that doesn't serve my weapons and--oh shit the game is starting.

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