
I just can’t do that. (Destiny)

by Malagate @, Sea of Tranquility, Tuesday, October 23, 2018, 12:17 (2299 days ago) @ narcogen

The issue that I have with this is that I'm the kind of player who will ENTIRELY reconfigure their build and gear at least once a night, sometimes more. These long load times give me more time to fiddle, and I end up getting a wild hair to try something and I'm nowhere near finished getting dressed to fight and wait there's one perk on my pants that doesn't serve my weapons and--oh shit the game is starting.

This further underscores the idea that the game in its current state is nearly unplayable without external gear management, which I don't think was Bungie's original intent.

I agree that it wasn't their original intent, but I'm not sure why that specific conclusion is the one you reach. Shooting from the hip, my best guess is that they intended a more mainstream-friendly, simplified system for managing gear. And my personal experience has been that the Companion App serves my needs pretty well. I haven't fully adopted DIM yet, but I respect what it allows us to do.

Unfortunately, the feeling I'm always left with is of running around with my pockets full. I keep 7/9 inventory spaces full for each gear slot, because I want to change weapon types and tactics on the fly if something isn't working. Or, sometimes something new will drop and I'll want to play with it, which requires a quick re-tune of my build. This usually means I have 7 unique weapon types available for each slot. And consequently shorter intervals between Tower runs. Sometimes I'll use the app to toss stuff into the Vault, which certainly bolsters your first point.

I have an idea to go back and do a no-vault, (possibly no-postmaster?) playthrough of D1, because I think that would result in a game that requires less prep time to play and also results in a more varied and interesting (if necessarily less complete and less powerful) collection of gear to play with, and more variety among fireteam members as players are forced to decide which pieces to keep and which to get rid of, plus allowing for empty slots for potential new gear to drop into.

That's a pretty compelling thought. I'm very much the buffett-style player; where I want to try a little of everything, play with every class and weapon, so while I understand what you're getting at and might be willing to try it, I think it would only work because we know the ropes, the odds of drops, and game mechanics already. If a game I didn't know expected that of me, I'd have issues. That kind of attrition expected against all the possible gear (read: play experiences) available would not leave me with the warm fuzzies.

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