Not quite... (Destiny)

by Claude Errera @, Thursday, February 20, 2020, 00:02 (1746 days ago) @ Harmanimus

Yeah. I suppose I read that as seasons (plural) before and seasons (plural) after - which I don’t think is any less valid a read than seasons before (singular) and after (singular) happens to be. But I won’t hold my breath either way. The stuff about swords in that other update didn’t read at all like it should impact Worldline Speedrunning but then we got a twitter thread suggesting otherwise. Words are rough.

The paragraph after the one I quoted was even more specific:

For example, armor with a mod socket from Season of Dawn can now equip Dawn Mods, Undying Mods from Season of the Undying, and [Redacted] Mods (from Season of [Redacted])

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