
I hope everyone likes doing bounties! (Destiny)

by CruelLEGACEY @, Toronto, Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 10:13 (1620 days ago) @ CougRon

Because that’s literally all this event is. Do bounties and complete “medals” which are just more bounties disguised as “quests”.

I have my own feelings about bounties (I’m absolutely sick of them being used as the primary form of “content” in this game), but that aside, I’m disappointed that there’s nothing actually competitive about this competition. If Guardian Games was actually about each class competing to show who’s best, we should be competing for high scores or most kills in nightfall strikes, who can win the most rumble matches, solo dungeon completions, etc. I’m sure such an event would not be to everyone’s liking, but at least it would actually be a competition, rather than a list of mindless chores. How can anyone earn “bragging rights” without actually showing they are better in some way? This is more like a “competitive participation trophy”, ie not really a competition at all.

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