
An Exo Christmas (Destiny)

by Xenos @, Shores of Time, Friday, December 13, 2013, 15:06 (4126 days ago) @ Ragashingo

Xenos walked into his hideout dragging a dark shape behind him. As he walked in the red lights on 3 Vex heads lit up, and after a beat, another 3 lit up in green. The heads hung by their frayed circuits from the ceiling. Xenos placed the fir tree in the corner and hung his red stocking cap on the wall of the low ceilinged, half collapsed room. After starting a fire in the makeshift brick fireplace on the far wall he sat on an old paisley couch and took out a faded photograph of a brightly Holiday-decorated living room. Xenos scanned the room admiring his work, a stretched out sock with a crudely stitched 'X' hung above the fireplace, a Nativity carved out of concrete sat on the mantle. He'd already been collecting Vex heads, it was just a matter of painting some of their lights green. All he needed now was some ornaments for the tree. found a silver star to hang from the top branch from an old vehicle, and figured he could use spare grenades for the orbs, but wasn't sure where to find the silvery string that hung from all the branches. Unable to think of anything he settled that chains would have to do. Knowing the Bridge of Chains is usually guarded by the Cabal, he grabbed rocket launcher. As he placed his red stocking cap back on his head, he strolled out into the silent snowy night, humming a tune to himself.

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