
Chatlog- City Aerodefense Command (Destiny)

by Quirel, Sunday, December 15, 2013, 16:43 (4124 days ago) @ Ragashingo
edited by Quirel, Sunday, December 15, 2013, 16:53

Dupree: Hey! Traveler's shields just lit up.
Better than I expected. Splat, then fry.
Was awesome.

McNamara: I was just calling to ask about that. We're looking at the radar cross-section of the target, and it's kind of small. Is anyone out there using drones?

Dupree: What size?

McNamara: Little bigger than a man.

Dupree: Sounds like a cruise missile to me.

McNamara: Cruise missiles don't fly in formation.

Dupree: Oh. How many are we talking about?

McNamara: Eight of them, double file. Followed by another target, the size of a family van.

Dupree: You're shitting me.

McNamara: I wish.

Dupree: This is a disaster!

McNamara: The Traveler's an alien construct. It couldn't have known.

Dupree: Yeah? Is that going to fly with your kids?

McNamara: No.
Poor sap. Probably thought he had it easy.
No more having to jaunt to every planet in the solar system this year.
Just one city and a couple of settlements.
You there?

Dupree: Yeah. I checked out the crash site on a hunch. Found the old guy under a fur-lined parachute.
Either he's really immortal, or his reflexes are just that good.

McNamara: Is he alright?

Dupree: He's kneeling on the ground, clutching a mittenfull of ash, and wailing about Dasher and Dancer and Donner and Vixen.
I'd say that we've made his naughty list.
Huh... I think he found Rudolf's nose.
Nope. Cluster munition bomblet. Definitely a lot of unexploded ordnance around here.
Yup. He's immortal. And pissed.

McNamara: Keep that up, and the other side is going to find detailed maps of our defenses under their trees.
I'm calling around, seeing if we can give him a ride back home.
Also sending some guys out with hot chocolate and cookies.

Dupree: Hurry up. I'm beginning to wonder how immortal he really is.
I never did get that pony for Christmas...

I didn't find bryan's to be all that funny, and I'm somewhat experienced with the subject, so I thought I'd give it a go.

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