
PS3 report (Gaming)

by cheapLEY @, Wednesday, January 15, 2014, 15:51 (3760 days ago) @ Kermit

UNCHARTED. Played all three. Didn't always like the running sequences--you're lucky sometimes and get through on the first try, but other times it felt like an exercise in memorization, not skill. Wish the controls were as fluid as, say, Gears of War, but i got used to it (except for the fire button, which just seems weird). It's obviously heavily influenced by the (good) Indiana Jones movies, and it does a great job with the formula. The characters are well-drawn, but the writing can be spotty. Wheen it's good (say, the last minute or so of Uncharted 2), the dialogue sparkles with Hepburn-Grant era charm. Wanted to try the co-op, but I bought the first two used, and the third one was a loan, and I'll be damned if I'm going to pay for an online pass just to give co-op a spin. My one multiplayer match on 2 took almost as long as the match just to load, and it wasn't much fun, but I'm not a big multiplayer guy.

I couldn't really get into the Uncharted games. I thought they were decent, but not great. No idea why they are so highly regarded. The controls aren't great at the best of times, they story is okay, and writing is ranges from downright terrible to decent. I liked them enough to pick up Uncharted 4 after it comes out and gets a price drop, but that's about it.

The Last of Us, on the other hand . . . it might be my favorite game of the last generation. I've never felt so wrapped up in a game before. The story is well told, and the gameplay lends itself to that story well (try playing on Survivor!). I like that infected are a real threat, and running away from them is a justifiable and necessary course of action. Unlike plenty of other games, it doesn't tell us how dangerous zombies are, then let us spend the next however many hours slaughtering thousands upon thousands of them. In The Last of Us, they are deadly. All it takes is one ill fated encounter with a Clicker or even a Runner, and you could be screwed.

Just a fantastic game all around. The multiplayer is pretty fun, too, if you take the time to invest in it a bit.

I've borrowed JUST CAUSE 2 on a strong recommendation. The day I brought it home Xbox Live had it on sale for $7.50. Played the demo, and it's good, wacky sandbox fun, but that seems about all. The story? Meh.

It's a fun, silly time killer, nothing more, but it's great at that.

I've also borrowed ICO/SHADOW OF THE COLOSSUS and a RATCHET AND KLANK game. Don't know if those are my thing, but my friend was very enthusiastic.

I had never owned a Playstation before a PS3, so I bought Ico and Shadow of the Colossus to see what I was missing. It was a little tough to get into them given their age, but once I did I loved Shadow of the Colossus. Ico, though. I gave up after an hour. I just didn't get it, I guess.

Maybe if I can get done with that and DISHONORED I can finally fully respond to Jilly's BIOSHOCK INFINITE take down. :)

I didn't like the first Bioshock all that much. I mean, I liked the story and the setting but . . . meh, the gameplay seemed pretty generic to me. I enjoyed it, but not enough to ever care about it after finishing it. I skipped Bioshock 2. Infinite, however, looked interesting enough, even if only for the setting. Still never cared enough to try it. But now it's free on Playstation Plus, so it's currently downloading right now. We'll see how I like it.

Sounds like you've got quite a catalogue to get through, but if you're looking for anything else, I'd highly recommend Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. Absolutely stellar game, provided you like jRPGs (although it's combat system is odd and takes some getting used to). It's even better if you like any anime. Studio Ghibli knocked it out of the park for this game. I didn't check the original thread, so maybe someone mentioned it the first time around (I hope someone did!).

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