Consensus... (Gaming)

by Flynn J Taggart, Friday, January 17, 2014, 20:11 (3966 days ago) @ Kermit

YOU somehow, by virtue of you being Cody Miller, World Record Holder, film editor extraordinaire, scholar of the arts, and whatever else you call yourself

I think you are giving me way more credit than I would even give myself there.

Have you thought for a second that maybe you're the one who needs to let something sink in?

Of course.

Then forgive my show of anger.

Cody's just being Cody, dude. I don't know why people are still letting his statements get them emotional. The guy's passionate about video games as are most of us and he tends to write in a certain way that could be construed as inflammatory to the average human. It's up to us on how we take that.

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