
Let me psych you up for Dishonoured (Gaming)

by Jillybean, Sunday, January 19, 2014, 03:55 (3756 days ago) @ Kermit

Yeah I was definitely influenced in my playthrough of BI by games like Dishonoured and the Last of Us which have very similar themes and a touch of heart and class that I just don't get from Infinite.

I think I'd go easier on Infinite if other people didn't laud it so violently. I cannot comprehend how it's anyone's game of the year when it has so many glaring flaws.

Take, again, Dishonoured. Gameplay wise it embraces the 3D environment more fully than any other game than Assassin's Creed. But even more so. Do you want to take the bridge by walking right up the centre path, killing everyone in your sight? Or are you going to slip through those doors like a ghost, pausing time, possessing people, teleporting behind theirs heads and knocking them out? Or are you going to take one look at the guarded path and leap to the rooftops where you can prowl the abandoned buildings, taking out the infected, searching the chests for magical artefacts so you can perfect your Batman impression on unsuspecting guards below.

There's at least five different routes I can think of over Kaldwin's Bridge (one of the middle levels) and I love all of them. The game encourages you to try different playstyles with its achievement list. I recommend three playthroughs for maximum enjoyment:

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